Search found 27 matches: technology

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How to Mint a Web3 Domain on Solana with Freename

The decentralized nature of the Web3 domains makes them suitable for businesses and individuals alike. These domains are powered by blockchain technology to deliver robust security and privacy that traditional domains can’t:
by 123
Fri 26. Jul 2024, 22:31
Forum: Own Your Digital Identity
Topic: Freename Now Integrates with Solana
Replies: 2
Views: 15

Why Everyone Should Have a Web3 Domain?

Blockchain technology is arguably the backbone of the Web3 ecosystem, revolutionizing various industries and shaping the digital world for good. Decentralization, fool-proof security, and complete sovereignty over digital assets ...
by 123
Wed 17. Jul 2024, 16:29
Forum: Own Your Digital Identity
Topic: Why Everyone Should Have a Web3 Domain?
Replies: 0
Views: 15

The .nl registry SIDN is planning big things

... implementation," says Chris Faber from SIDN. "That includes things such as getting the existing Fury system ready for generic cloud technology (so cloud native and cloud agnostic) and preparing for migration of the .nl data." The aim is to have the new system ready for testing ...
by Research
Thu 11. Jul 2024, 12:29
Forum: Web2 ccTLDs: Country Code Top Level Domains
Topic: The .nl registry SIDN is planning big things
Replies: 0
Views: 44

Multi-stakeholder model at risk?

... the internet are becoming increasingly apparent, hence the desire to act through regulation and legislation. However, the Internet is an unusual technology because it is distributed. It consists of many participating networks, and each network participates for its own reasons according to its ...
by Research
Thu 11. Jul 2024, 12:04
Forum: Web2 gTLDs: Generic Top Level Domains supported by ICANN
Topic: Multi-stakeholder model at risk?
Replies: 0
Views: 34

The Impact of Web3 on Our Digital Identity and Presence

Our digital identities have become like puzzle pieces strewn across technology company-owned platforms and molded by the Web 2.0 culture. In exchange for convenience, we have allowed our data to be capitalized on through targeted ads: ... -presence/
by 123
Thu 4. Jul 2024, 15:56
Forum: Own Your Digital Identity
Topic: The Impact of Web3 on Our Digital Identity and Presence
Replies: 0
Views: 37

How to Use a Web3 Domain And What Can You Do With It?

One thing about Web3 is the complete control you have over your profile and how it appears to the world. Thanks to its foundation in blockchain technology, data is distributed rather than stored by a single entity, increasing transparency and ensuring data integrity:
by 123
Thu 4. Jul 2024, 15:53
Forum: Technology of Freename
Topic: How to Use a Web3 Domain And What Can You Do With It?
Replies: 0
Views: 25

How To Use Web3 Domains To Define Your Personal Branding

... tool that showcases your unique talents, experiences, and personality to the world—this is the power of personal branding in the digital age. With technology continually reshaping how we connect and communicate, personal branding has become more than just a way to stand out. It’s a necessary strategy ...
by 123
Thu 4. Jul 2024, 15:42
Forum: Own Your Digital Identity
Topic: How To Use Web3 Domains To Define Your Personal Branding
Replies: 0
Views: 16

Re: Partnership with MetaMask Institutional

... as it signifies a collective effort among many other key players in Web3. Together, we will revolutionize the landscape of finance and technology, driving innovation and fostering growth in the ever-expanding Web3 ecosystem. Learn more about Metamask Institutional here:
by FNfam
Tue 26. Mar 2024, 18:02
Forum: Web3 Tools
Topic: Partnership with MetaMask Institutional
Replies: 1
Views: 241

Freename DNS Installer

... of Web3 domains to connect, create, communicate, share, all natively from any connected device or browser. The Freename DNS leverages NOTO, a new technology developed by Freename that aggregates data of all Web3 domains active on all blockchains and makes them easily available through the same ...
by Expert
Sun 3. Mar 2024, 14:17
Forum: NOTO
Topic: Freename DNS Installer
Replies: 1
Views: 349

Freename Launches NOTO

... traffic. NOTO is set to transform the internet browsing experience for the current 5 billion users through the integration of blockchain technology.
by Expert
Tue 27. Feb 2024, 21:01
Forum: Freename Media & Marketing
Topic: Freename on Business Insider
Replies: 2
Views: 717

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