Search found 23 matches: purchase

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Dispute over - a clear case of investment

The pharmaceutical company Young saw its trademark rights infringed by the domain, which a domain investor had recently purchased and offered to interested parties via a broker. In the UDRP proceedings, the investor was represented by domain lawyer John Berryhill - with consequences. ...
by Research
Thu 25. Jul 2024, 11:36
Forum: Legal Topics
Topic: Who needs panelists? Who needs lawyers?
Replies: 1
Views: 15

Re: Save money for the purchase of your own SLDs

123 wrote:... because most customers will reduce the prices for SLDs first.

Yes, that's true.
by Tony
Thu 6. Jun 2024, 20:47
Forum: Whale Section
Topic: Save money for the purchase of your own SLDs
Replies: 3
Views: 147

Re: Save money for the purchase of your own SLDs

Tony wrote:What a great hint! I used to make the mistake of buying SLDs at the same time with the TLD in the first order.

After introduction of custom prices last year, people should no longer make this mistake, because most customers will reduce the prices for SLDs first.
by 123
Thu 6. Jun 2024, 20:41
Forum: Whale Section
Topic: Save money for the purchase of your own SLDs
Replies: 3
Views: 147

Re: Save money for the purchase of your own SLDs

Freenamer wrote:Royalties are only valid after purchase.

What a great hint! I used to make the mistake of buying SLDs at the same time with the TLD in the first order.
by Tony
Thu 6. Jun 2024, 20:25
Forum: Whale Section
Topic: Save money for the purchase of your own SLDs
Replies: 3
Views: 147

Summation of all invoice totals

Would you like to get an overview about how much money you have spent at Freename already? Go to the purchase section in you account and extend the list of purchases as described here: ...
by Freenamer
Thu 6. Jun 2024, 18:07
Forum: Whale Section
Topic: Summation of all invoice totals
Replies: 1
Views: 94

Save money for the purchase of your own SLDs

... the following instructions to get them as cheap as possible: ⋅ With activated royalties, you will get a 50 % discount for your own purchases under that TLD. ⋅ Royalties are only valid after purchase. If you buy a TLD including the $ 50 for royalties and insert already ...
by Freenamer
Thu 6. Jun 2024, 17:38
Forum: Whale Section
Topic: Save money for the purchase of your own SLDs
Replies: 3
Views: 147

Time planning for minting of domains

The following things should be kept in mind for the minting process: ⋅ Mint your TLD or SLD as early as possible (right after purchase), because the first mint has the priority legal rights over identical domains from other Web3 domain providers. ⋅ If the minting queue ...
by Freenamer
Thu 6. Jun 2024, 16:57
Forum: Whale Section
Topic: Time planning for minting of domains
Replies: 0
Views: 106

Long lists in your Freename account

... ⋅ Domain List: ⋅ Purchases: Just update the value in the string limit=20 to any number of items that you want to make visible. All you have to do is overwrite ...
by Freenamer
Wed 5. Jun 2024, 19:22
Forum: Whale Section
Topic: Long lists in your Freename account
Replies: 1
Views: 121

Re: Overview about all current coupons for Freename

Buy domains from this website with a total value of $ 500 and get a 50 % discount for your purchase:
by Floki
Sat 9. Mar 2024, 22:13
Forum: Freename
Topic: Overview about all current coupons for Freename
Replies: 43
Views: 6210

Re: Most expensive Freename NFT domains sold starting at $ 4

TLD .purchase for $ 4,999
TLD .pos for $ 29,990
by Floki
Wed 3. Jan 2024, 18:48
Forum: Developed, Exceptional & Noteworthy Freename Domains
Topic: Most expensive Freename NFT domains sold starting at $ 4,999
Replies: 87
Views: 4829

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