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Freename APIs

... restrictions, enabling registries to leverage the full potential of both web2 and web3 domain ecosystems. For details in older documentation, please refer to: . Our APIs ⋅  Web2/Web3 Mirroring APIs for Registries and ...
by 123
Tue 18. Jun 2024, 16:55
Forum: Developer Area
Topic: Freename APIs
Replies: 0
Views: 66

Save money for the purchase of your own SLDs

If you would like to register SLDs under your own TLDs, please consider the following instructions to get them as cheap as possible: ⋅ With activated royalties, you will get a 50 % discount for your own purchases under that TLD. ⋅ Royalties ...
by Freenamer
Thu 6. Jun 2024, 17:38
Forum: Whale Section
Topic: Save money for the purchase of your own SLDs
Replies: 3
Views: 147

Which Web3 domain provider is the best?

by Floki
Sat 25. May 2024, 15:07
Forum: Competitors of Freename
Topic: Which Web3 domain provider is the best?
Replies: 0
Views: 58

Killer Whales on Apple TV, Prime Video, Google Play and more

... Freename very popular right now. Every voter has initially up to 250 votes by fulfilling some simple tasks. And you can vote every 24 hours again! Please visit the profile page of Freename and vote for your favorite Web3 domain provider: Please ...
by Floki
Mon 20. May 2024, 17:16
Forum: Freename Media & Marketing
Topic: Killer Whales on Apple TV, Prime Video, Google Play and more
Replies: 2
Views: 103

Re: Weekly Rituals with Page Howe

... am EST - 5:00 am CET To get your domain evaluation, simply tag @pagehowe with the name of your domain on Fridays and wait for his voice note. Please note that these appraisals are subjective. Whatever Page Howe tells you does not represent a bid offer or any commitment from Freename. It's ...
by Freenamer
Tue 16. Jan 2024, 20:04
Forum: Freename Domain Appraisals
Topic: Weekly Rituals with Page Howe
Replies: 1
Views: 839

Re: Newly Registered Premium NFT Domains with a price above

... and, far harder, even suggest what questions to ask! Grok is designed to answer questions with a bit of wit and has a rebellious streak, so please don’t use it if you hate humor! A unique and fundamental advantage of Grok is that it has real-time knowledge of the world via the X platform. ...
by FNfam
Mon 6. Nov 2023, 20:11
Forum: Available & Newly Registered Freename Domains
Topic: Newly Registered Premium NFT Domains with a price above $500
Replies: 348
Views: 1535025

Re: Recognising / Managing SLDs

... my TLD mints) they display with the correct information. This is a technical problem and can only be solved by the developers of Freename or OKX. Please open a support ticket. You can contact Freename directly here: Usually they solve such situations immediately.
by 123
Wed 11. Oct 2023, 22:43
Forum: Available & Newly Registered Freename Domains
Topic: Recognising / Managing SLDs
Replies: 8
Views: 2854

Re: Registrars or Buyers?

... 50% of income? PP.S. Why is the price for SLD set by someone and not me, the owner? NOTE: Or you are on DEV version and we see APP differently... Please note, Patric 100% on DEV version and he is teaching us...
by doma9er
Fri 29. Sep 2023, 22:19
Forum: Handling & Improvement of Registered Freename Domains
Topic: Registrars or Buyers?
Replies: 7
Views: 2447

Freename Widget

Please find here the URL to create your Freename Widget that can be integrated in your website to run queries and searches in the Freename platform on your tlds.
It’s a beta version, play with it and give us feedbacks!
by Floki
Sat 10. Jun 2023, 18:03
Forum: Be a Registrar
Topic: Freename Widget
Replies: 4
Views: 1313


We also could promote Freename's recent partnerships as benefits to solve people's problems. For example, with the recent partnerships on email sending we could position buying an inexpensive Freename domain + choosing one of Freename's email partners to send emails for low-cost instead of people g...
by Floki
Mon 8. May 2023, 21:03
Forum: Freename Media & Marketing
Topic: PLEASE CONTRIBUTE YOUR THOUGHTS: Freename Marketing ideas
Replies: 3
Views: 2250

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