AI-generated bot from Freename

Your Web3 identity starts with a name: create, mint, and use any Web3 domains. Choose your domains and customize your digital identity 100%.
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The Freename Forum is your central point of contact for all questions relating to the rapidly growing market of digital identities.

AI-generated bot from Freename

Postby Freenaming » Tue 12. Dec 2023, 20:11

Fede3 is now available on Telegram!

Simply look up @fede3_bot and begin a conversation with him.
Whether you need suggestions like "suggest 7 Italian domain names related to Rome" or have any technical inquiries about Freename, Fede3 is here to assist.
Start chatting with him, and share your thoughts on how well we've designed him!

Of course we are always here as well, Fede3 does not replace Freename team availability.
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri 28. Apr 2023, 20:18

by Advertising » Tue 12. Dec 2023, 20:11


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