Network and Network

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Network and Network

Postby doma9er » Fri 29. Sep 2023, 23:28

What worries me greatly is the network among which we are trying to find protection for ourselves and at the same time remain outside of any laws. I bought the TLD .casino and mint it on the Polygon network. I think Polygon is Ethereum, no? Then I bought from myself, as Albert Einstein assures, SLD which, as the APP assures, is not subject to mint??? But it also has a Polygon icon. Attention question!.. How about the person who works with TRON or Stellar suddenly will create his own .casino and register with TRON or Stellar networks, and then create There are no laws for Web3, right? Why not? Is this really what could happen or are some bridges still working?
Buy Web3 Domains under TLD: .CASINO
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by Advertising » Fri 29. Sep 2023, 23:28


Re: Network and Network

Postby Albert Einstein » Sat 30. Sep 2023, 09:06

I see. You have bought the TLD .casino with the chain emoji added and the SLD martianic for that TLD. Polygon and Ethereum are two different blockchains.
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Albert Einstein
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Re: Network and Network

Postby Albert Einstein » Sat 30. Sep 2023, 09:07

doma9er wrote:Then I bought from myself, as Albert Einstein assures, SLD which, as the APP assures, is not subject to mint???

I'm not sure if I understand the question right, but the SLD and the TLD always need to be minted separately.
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Albert Einstein
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Re: Network and Network

Postby Albert Einstein » Sat 30. Sep 2023, 09:11

doma9er wrote:Attention question!.. How about the person who works with TRON or Stellar suddenly will create his own .casino and register with TRON or Stellar networks, and then create There are no laws for Web3, right? Why not? Is this really what could happen or are some bridges still working?

You raise a very important issue. This is indeed an issue at the moment. All providers of Web3 domains are affected by the problem that a domain name could be registered at two different service providers. The situation you describe is called domain collision. No provider has provided a solution for it yet and something like a domain collision management solution across all providers is needed in the future.
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Albert Einstein
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Re: Network and Network

Postby Tony » Sat 30. Sep 2023, 10:00

Albert Einstein wrote:All providers of Web3 domains are affected by the problem that a domain name could be registered at two different service providers.

From a legal point of view, the domain owner whose domain was minted first has the privileges.
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